Last Change
A port of the original 2.11BSD to 80286-based PCs
Custom Linux Distribution for 486 PCs
Rust accounthing solution, second try
Monitor power consumption related statistics on OpenBSD
Visualize Automata through dot(1) animations
My Verilog CPU Experiments
My custom desktop environment
A generator for endian-safe struct encoding & decoding for C
My personal Emacs config
Read-Only UFS driver using FUSE, written in Rust (GSoC 2024)
Clone of git-archive(1) for got(1)
Hello World project for Andris
My personal junk
LAN Loader
Generator for Lexic
64-Bit Linux Userspace RISC-V Emulator
A clone of lsblk(8) for OpenBSD
My fork of NetBSD's tetris
/proc for OpenBSD using FUSE
Forth for RISC-V
Simple Unix File System (inspired by FreeBSD's UFSv2)
A custom CGI CMS for my website